My Practice

Areas of Focus

One of the most painful aspects of trauma is that it leaves us feeling separated from ourselves and the lives we had imagined living. This is discouraging, especially when we had envisioned and still desire so much more goodness for our lives. It may even feel dangerous to be hopeful for such things again. You may be left wondering if you truly were created for more.

Your desires don’t lie. They reflect who you were meant to become. To me, nothing is more worthwhile than recovering the desire and freedom to live your life fully. Through my graduate studies and Allender Center training, we will enter the narratives of heartache and trauma that have shaped how you view yourself and your world. Here, we get the chance to offer care, kindness, and truth to the places you have been wounded. When you challenge the messages that trauma has left behind, you then get to choose which ones you embrace and which ones you release.

My Specialities include:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Trauma

  • Sexual Abuse

  • LGBTQ+ Identity and Related Traumas

  • PTSD


  • Life Transitions

In Practice

Each of us comes with a unique story that includes our family of origin and our cultural upbringing. These factors powerfully shape what we come to believe about ourselves, our world, and each other. In our work, we will get curious about the dynamics within your family of origin and culture that have shaped what you believe about yourself, and how you show up in relationships today. 

In our Western culture, the experience of our bodies is often dismissed as less valid or important than what we think with our minds. But the truth is, our authentic experience is stored in our bodies. Our work together will include building awareness of the wisdom your body is holding, as well as the ways you may have been taught to silence your body. What you feel and what your body tells you is actually an incredibly trustworthy map that teaches you what you really want and what really happened to you. 

The truth of your narrative allows you to choose how you want to go forward. By bringing awareness and compassion to old patterns, you are free to foster what you authentically want for your life. 


LGBTQ+ narratives are often filled with cultural and familial message that shame and degrade a sense of agency, ownership, and value. As a gay therapist, I understand the unique challenges that come with being gay in a heteronormative world. I go with you into your story to challenge and disempower the messages of shame so that you are free to enjoy who you are, and make choices that foster the life you desire.

You were created with purpose and intentionality, and it’s time you live into that truth.